3+ Years
Curious and Creative
Three-year-olds and beyond are full of questions and ready to explore! Montessori toys for this age group foster independence, concentration, and a love of learning. Look for toys that challenge their minds, encourage logical thinking, and spark their curiosity about the world around them.
Our best seller for this age group is the Wooden Rainbow Stacker designed to foster imagination through creative play.
2 - 3 Years
Imagination Ignition
Two to three-year-olds are little sponges, soaking up information and developing their imaginations. Montessori toys at this age encourage pretend play, language development, and problem-solving. Look for toys that inspire creativity, build fine motor skills, and introduce early concepts like sorting and matching.
Our best seller for this age group is Permeability Cubes as stunning as they are engaging these encourage children to stack and build creations whilst watching the light cast a rainbow.
18 - 24 Months
Independent Explorers
Eighteen to twenty-four months is a time of rapid development. Toddlers are becoming more independent and curious about the world around them. Montessori toys for this age group encourage problem-solving, imagination, and fine motor skills. Look for toys that challenge their minds and bodies, while still being gentle and engaging.
Our best seller for this age group is Rainbow Puppet and Balls Sorter designed to develop fine motor skills whilst learning to match colours it is an ideal gift.
12 - 18 Months
Discovering the World
At this age, little ones are busy exploring their surroundings and developing essential motor skills. Montessori toys for 1-2 year olds focus on sensory experiences, gross motor development, and object permanence. Look for toys that encourage crawling, walking, and building, as well as those that stimulate the senses with different textures and sounds.
Our best seller for this age group is Rainbow Wooden Cars designed to develop gross motor skills whilst encouraging movement through play
6 - 12 Months
Sitting Up and Exploring
Six to twelve-month-olds are becoming more mobile and curious about their world. Montessori toys for this age encourage sitting, reaching, and exploring with their hands. Look for toys that support tummy time, encourage object manipulation, and introduce cause-and-effect concepts.
Our best seller for this age group is Object Permanence Ball Drop designed to develop fine motor skills, introduce cause and effect and the concepts of object permanence.
3 - 6 Months
Discovering Hands and Feet
Between three and six months, babies become increasingly aware of their bodies and surroundings. Montessori toys for this age encourage reaching, grasping, and exploring. Look for toys with different textures, colours, and sounds to stimulate your baby's senses and promote motor skill development.
Our best seller for this age group is the Spinning Drum designed for tummy time sensory exploration.
0 - 3 Months
Early Sensory Experiences
Newborns are tiny explorers discovering their world one sense at a time. Montessori toys for this age focus on visual stimulation, auditory development, and tactile exploration. Look for soft, gentle toys with contrasting colours and soothing sounds to engage your baby's senses.
Our best seller for this age group is the Newborn Sensory Basket designed to engage the senses of a newborn. This the ideal gift for bonding moments between parents and their new addition.